Plant Synthetic Biology Faculty Position

Short Job Description : Kansas State University Recruiting Plant Synthetic Biology Faculty Position, Division of Biology at Kansas State University invites applications for a faculty member at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor to conduct research in the area of Plant Synthetic Biology

Interested candidate can Apply For The Plant Synthetic Biology Faculty Position, if they are eligible. Read full notification before apply.

Plant Synthetic Biology Faculty Position
Source : Kansas State University


Position Name

Biology Faculty


Kansas State University

Industry Type





 Manhattan, Kansas


 $78,000 - $105,000

Closing Date

13 March 2025

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Description of Plant Synthetic Biology Faculty Position

The Division of Biology at Kansas State University invites applications for a faculty member at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor to conduct research in the area of Plant Synthetic Biology. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, synthetic biology approaches in the engineering of plants for new or modified capabilities, the production of medically or industrially important plant compounds including biofuels, and the development of biosensors. The successful candidate will be expected to establish an independent and extramurally funded research program and contribute to both undergraduate and graduate education. This is a nine-month tenure-track or tenured position with a target start date of Fall 2025. A competitive startup package will be provided.  

This position will complement the Biomanufacturing hiring initiative at Kansas State University (University Website). The faculty member hired for this position will have the opportunity to collaborate with new faculty in the area of Biomanufacturing, as well as existing faculty on campus that have core expertise in plant biology and biochemistry, genomics, bioengineering, crop improvement and developmental biology. The successful candidate will also have the opportunity to collaborate with a separate faculty member being hired in the area of plant synthetic biology of biotic interactions that will be housed in a separate department. The research and teaching activities will further synergize regional collaboration aimed at promoting biomanufacturing with public and private partnerships across the region.

The Division of Biology is a large and diverse unit with an excellent record of research productivity and funding. There are opportunities for collaboration within the Division, with other life science units at the university, and with USDA labs close to the campus. Kansas State University is a land-grant university and an R1 research institution located in Manhattan, a college town in the scenic Flint Hills region of northeast Kansas. The 2025 Princeton Review ranks Kansas State University 1st in “friendliest students”, and 2nd in “best quality of life”, “happiest students”, and “town-gown relations” categories.

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How to Apply For The Plant Synthetic Biology Faculty Position

Applications are to be submitted electronically at Here and will be asked to include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, research plan (3 pages), statement of teaching philosophy (1 page), and contact information for three referees who will be asked to provide reference letters. Inquiries about the position should be directed to: Kathrin Schrick, Chair, Plant Synthetic Biology Search Committee;    

Review of applications will begin March 10, 2025, and continue until the position is filled. Kansas State University is an Equal Opportunity Employer. In connection with application for employment, Kansas State University will procure a Background Screen as part of the process of considering candidacy as an employee. 

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